Know How often Should You Renovate Your Home?

By default, the human mind is programmed to discover new things and gain new experiences. This is evident when we shop for new brands and products, explore new job/work opportunities, make new friends, and take vacations to discover new places and sights. There are various other areas where we feel the need to try something new. For example, home renovation becomes a necessity when things at home get boring as the years pass by. You are looking at the same stuff over and over again, something that triggers monotony in the mind. This is exactly the reason why you need to renovate your home from time to time. Here's a short bible to help you wrap your head around this renovation thing. How often should you renovate your home? Quite difficult to answer this question with a specific number as there are several variables involved. Renovating your home too frequently would not be useful, as it will most likely ruin your home's functionality...