Few Tips for Home Renovation

Change is the law of nature and everything that exist needs to be changed or updated with the changing times. Your home is no indifferent. One needs to upgrade their homes to upkeep with the changing needs and requirements of family. And, renovations can be a tedious task, especially for the first timers. From deciding onto what should be done to getting the right personnel to get it done, everything is complicated. But, here Shreya Designs present to you some tips that will make your home renovation as easy as cake walk. Keep in mind the below mentioned points before getting your home renovation done:

Draw a Budget:
Planning is the foremost thing that is required to get your home done. And, plan to get your home done only if you have some savings or money in hand to dispose in renovation. Survey the market for costs and run as many cost comparisons as possible to reach an optimum figure you would need. But make sure you never compromise on quality to fulfil any high demands.

It is also advisable to talk to people who have got their homes renovated in recent past to get a fair idea of how things would be. Also, keep aside at least 20% of the estimated cost, to fulfil the inevitable issues which might crop up on site once the renovation begins.

Meet the Requirements:
Meeting the new demands and requirements of growing kids and evolving families, home needs to evolve to meet the requirements of evolving family needs. Jot down the requirements room wise so that the same could be translated to the designer and the best possible solutions can be executed.
When the renovations are done for mere seek of meeting requirements, then kindly don’t substitute your needs in lure of aesthetics or budgets.

Renovate For Future
A lot of development is happening every day, in all the spheres of design work. Try to equip your homes with the latest technology and systems available, which fits your budget. This will ensure not only a modernised home with latest technology but will also have long lasting usability.
A golden rule here is to invest in high quality accessories and products which will last you for times to come. Invest in good finishes which don’t look old fashioned at-least for another 7-8 years and make your home looks lively, well equipped and absolutely trouble-free for a convenient day to day life.

Get the right people at work
The results of a home designing project depend largely on the people who are undertaking the job. Hence, make sure you deploy the best team to work for you. Get a team which understands your need to renovate your home and is capable to extend services keeping in mind your requirements, budgets and timelines. Discuss in advance about the work with your designer before starting with the work, so that everyone is on the same page.

Make sure you & your designer mutually agree on a contractor. And, keep in mind that the contractor has good labour strength & understanding in order to implement work up to the mark with given designs & instructions. Also, he should understand your time constraints and make sure that the project is delivered to you on time.

Clarity Of Design:

References are a good way to explain your designer about your requirements. It is preferred if you a few pictures of the works you have liked or seen in magazines, books etc. It will help the designer understand what you exactly like and need.There are times, the clients say that they like a classical look but actually they mean contemporary or a neo classical. Now, the designer might just offer classical designs as per your advice and you may not seem to like that at all. So, to avoid disappointments and wastage of time, pictures of ideas you like really help in clearly conveying your thoughts to the designers and following it up.

Attention to Detail:
Best designers have an eye for details, which can actually make or break a project. Right kind of knobs in a cabinet, right colour pick, choice of fabrics to be used for curtains and upholstery etc. need experience & expertise. Being the first timer you may like something which actually won’t look that great after it is used or installed. Trust your designer and accept his/her advice on such matters as they are doing this work on day to day basis and understand things better. Teams such of Shreya Designs understand your needs completely and show you options/samples etc to be able to achieve the same look as you desire.

Devote considerable Time:
Home renovations are a time consuming task. Although you might have engaged the best people to work, but you must visit the site regularly becausethere is always a possibility that you might have liked or approved something on paper but may not be very fond of it when you see it executed. So, the sooner you see and react, easier it would be, to modify at lower costs. Also, you must take up the renovation work when you have a little free time in your hand or when you have flexibility to make time to visit the site/meet up with the designer for design discussions and material selections etc.

Adherence to Timelines
A lot of time renovations are done when you move out to a temporary accommodation or you have something coming up in the family. Make sure you are a little flexible on that and keep atleast few extra days in hand.Because, usually there is probability of extending some work space that may take more time than estimated,material deliveries may get delayed or sometimes even getting to choose the best may take a while. By the end of the day, you don t want to rush up things and make a mess because of time constraints. While the deadlines should be respected and adhered to, a little buffer time always helps and keeps you mentally calm to make the right decisions.

Keeping in mind the above mentioned points, you can trust on Shreya Designs team which has a proven track record of delivering projects successfully and in-time. If you are still unable to figure out what needs to be done in your case or what kind of look would look good in your space.


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